Friday, May 7, 2010

Rode the Legend to Lake Matthews

Sometimes I'm ambivalent about the prescence of humans in the Southern California Desert.
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Headlight and Legal!

Took off the left turn signal to fix the headlight/turn signal bracket. The connector was a little greasy, and I needed a couple of needlenose pliers to get them apart.
For the bracket, I used standard JB Weld, with embedded pieces of solid wire perpendicular to the break, on the back of the bracket. I'll post pictures-the chrome's not going to look good anymore. Hopefully this will hold well.
Also, it's legal! Me and Jerry went down to AAA to register it and transfer title! Seriously considering AAA membership-it went quickly. Too bad I can't take my written test there.
Now I need to figure out where to put the registration when I'm riding.